My first “turn”

3 months on treatment and I didn’t imagine I’d be spending some nights in hospital already, here’s what happened best I can remember, it was a scary experience and unfortunately it will happen a lot :( Bare with this it’s a long story and at the bottom I’ve attached a fair few pictures (some blood to pre warn) With my chemo tablets I suffer feeling sick A LOT especially in the night and wake up to be sick, but this started on Thursday 12th July, I woke up and I felt sick but a different sick to normal, I nearly didn’t get out of bed I felt awful but I knew “2 Days left of work then weekend” so I went to my mums in my Pjs and first thing she said was “you don’t look well leanne!!” All day I felt off, I went to work and just braced through, I woke up Friday 13th July, and could barely speak my throat was in agony I just thought was swollen glands or something so I was at work trying to speak up as couldn’t speak very well , Saturday 14th July, I had lunch with a friend and then I ha...