How I found out I have CML

On Friday the 30th of March I woke up with pain in my leg, like I had pulled a muscle or something, as the days went on the pain was still there so I dosed up on painkillers and applied ibuprofen gel every day to ease what I thought was a pulled muscle. Come Sunday the 8th of April I went to bed and I couldn’t get my leg in a comfortable position without it aching, the pain was unreal I was crying and constantly moving around to get settled, this lasted for about an hour when my partner decided he wanted to take me to the hospital this was at 11:45pm. I hate hospitals so I told him to just call 111 and see what they say so I’m not wasting anyone’s time. They made an appointment for about 2 hour later and told us to call back if symptoms get any worse or if anything changes, 10 minutes later I lay down trying to settle till my appointment when I just projectile vomited all over, my partner took me to the bathroom where I was sick again, this time it had blood in, in a panic my par...